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What is cloud hosting indeed

Cloud hosting is a quite fashionable phrase these days. Even so, just a few know what it does really stand for. The bulk of the webspace hosting firms speculate intensely about plans stamped as being 'cloud hosting'. Chiefly the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting wholesalers. Due to the sheer deficiency of fresh marketing views, the cPanel web hosts are plainly using trendy expressions, attempting to allure more website hosting customers with sleek marketing techniques.

cPanel - a single server hosting platform

In a nutshell, cPanel is a one server hosting platform. A single web server serves all web hosting services at the very same time. On the contrary, the cloud hosting platform requests each single web hosting service, such as disk storage, electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol, databases, DNS, statistics, site hosting Control Panel, backup, etc. to be served by several hosts of deluxe servers in a cluster. All the clusters generate the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforestated web hosting services are all being served at one and the same time by one single server. It goes without saying that no 'clouds' can be encountered around cPanel-based web hosting companies. Not even a single one...

The huge marketing fraud with cloud web space hosting services

Be cautious with the many false assertions guaranteeing you 'cloud hosting' plans, mostly spread by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel web site hosting supplier conceitedly says that a 'cloud' web page hosting service is being provided, examine if it's not a mist or a fog first of all. Practically everyone toys with the term 'cloud', ultimately counting on the circumstance that most of the users do not understand what it does actually represent.

Let's be more optimistic and return to the real cloud hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud webspace hosting Control Panel platform

Hepsia is a last generation cloud web page hosting solution coupled with a state-of-the-art easy-to-use site hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud hosting solution and the respective web site hosting Control Panel are manufactured by - a top-rated reseller web hosting wholesaler since year 2003. Sadly, it's a very rare circumstance to come across a web hosting corporation offering a cloud web hosting solution on the marketplace. For unknown reasons, Google favors cPanel-based website hosting suppliers mostly. That is the reason why we believe it's commendable for those people in need of a web space hosting solution to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud web hosting platform.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud webspace hosting environment

Each web site hosting service drop in Hepsia's 'cloud' is handled by an individual cluster of web servers, dedicated exclusively to the specific service at hand, sharing out the load produced. So, the web hosting Control Panel is being tackled by one single host of servers, which serve the website hosting Control Panel only and nothing else. There is another host of web servers for the mail, one more for the storage space, another for the backup, one more for the stats, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, etc. All these groups of web servers work as one whole site hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.

Hepsia-based cloud site hosting firms

The list with the Hepsia-based web hosting companies is not very bulky. The best known ones on it are ResellersPanel, San Diego Business Hosting, NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback and several others.